Polat çifti davasında yeni bir gelişme: O ifade, soruşturmayı netleştirdi!

Dilan Polat and Engin Polat, who are under investigation and arrested for money laundering, revealed the testimony of their lawyer Ahmet Gün, who wants to benefit from effective remorse. In his testimony, Gün said that there was a large amount of money entering without a corresponding item. The Polat couple investigation, which has been on Turkey's agenda for weeks, is still not calming down. The testimony of Ahmet Gün, the lawyer who wants to benefit from effective remorse for the couple, who are under investigation for "Prevention of Money Laundering, Violation of the Tax Procedure Law and Organizing Betting and Gambling for Football and Other Sports Competitions" by the Anadolu Republic Prosecutor's Office, has emerged. Engin and Dilan Polat couple, who were detained in an operation by the Financial Crimes Investigation Branch Directorate, were arrested along with 24 suspects, and the procedures of 18 suspects were completed at the police station and sent to the Anadolu Courthouse. Following the procedures that lasted a total of 19 hours, 12 people, including Engin Polat, Dilan Polat, Sıla Doğu, Sezgin Polat, Ahmet Gün, Can Doğu, and Can Polat, were arrested, while 6 suspects were released on judicial control conditions. 2 more suspects sent to the courthouse were also arrested. Thus, the number of detainees in the investigation reached 14, while 9 suspects were released on judicial control. One of the most critical figures in the Polat family investigation, Ahmet Gün, who is both responsible for the family's accounting affairs and their lawyer, was arrested on November 5 and sent to prison. Ahmet Gün recently gave a statement to the prosecutor, saying that he wanted to benefit from effective remorse. The testimony of Ahmet Gün, who said that he is ready to help law enforcement in the future stages under the coordination of the public prosecutor, has emerged. "SEZGİN POLAT TOOK OVER THE COMPANIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF ISSUING FALSE INVOICES" Lawyer Ahmet Gün stated in his testimony to the prosecutor that, "I want to give a statement by making use of the provisions of effective remorse. I have been the accountant of the companies owned by the Polat family, who are the suspects of the investigation, for about 3-4 years now. Up to about 2 years ago, they could not pay the accounting fee and sometimes deposited it late. The companies named Fekben Plastic Food Industry Trade Joint Stock Company in liquidation, BYZGUN Beauty Cosmetics Import Export Industry Trade Joint Stock Company in liquidation, and Tekbaşer Metal and Industry Products Trade Joint Stock Company in liquidation are established for the purpose of issuing false invoices. Sezgin Polat took over the companies for the purpose of issuing false invoices. Engin Polat is also aware that these companies issue fake invoices." "HALF OF THE 80 MILLION LIRA SALES WAS DECLARED" Ahmet Gün continued his testimony by saying, "These companies also issued false invoices to the companies called Dipomed Medical Cosmetics Import Export Industry Trade Inc., Rise And Shine, and DP Beauty Inc. The sales of the Rise And Shine compaания appeared to be very high, so false invoices were issued from the companies in liquidation to this company and the companies I mentioned for padding purposes. Engin Polat, as far as I can remember, told me in a phone conversation that the monthly turnover of the Rise And Shine company reached 80 million liras, so I said to him, 'Wow, you have made good sales,' but when we came to the date of the declaration, that is, when we approached the date of giving the statement a month later, invoices between 40-45 million liras were brought to me instead of 80 million liras. They cancelled about half of the 80 million lira bills, so I was sent an invoice in the range of 40-45 million liras. The payments of the cancelled invoices are transferred to the Rise And Shine accounts through the distributor with commission deduction." "THERE IS A LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY ENTRY WITH AN UNCERTAIN SOURCE" Ahmet Gün concluded his statement by referring to black money, saying, "There is a large amount of money entry here that does not correspond to the item. I suspect that the source of this money may be betting or another form of money laundering, but these are things that will be revealed as a result of analysis. In other words, there is a large amount of money movement with an uncertain source that entered the accounts of these companies in exchange for the cancelled invoices, but I have suspicions about whether the source of this is betting or another form of black money. After November 2022, a large amount of sales may have been made, and the source of the cancelled money may have been brought into the system."
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